Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Guidelines

Introduction: At, we are committed to providing a secure and trustworthy online marketplace for our users. To ensure a safe and ethical environment for buyers and sellers, we have established the following Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) guidelines.

1. Account Verification:

  • All vendors must complete a thorough account verification process.
  • Accurate and up-to-date information must be provided during registration.
  • Failure to comply with verification may result in suspension or termination of the account.

2. Prohibited Products and Services:

  • Vendors are prohibited from selling or promoting illegal, harmful, or restricted products or services.
  • This includes but is not limited to counterfeit items, drugs, weapons, and explicit content.

3. Fair Pricing:

  • Vendors must set reasonable and fair prices for their products or services.
  • Price gouging and artificially inflating prices are strictly prohibited.

4. Quality Assurance:

  • Vendors must provide accurate descriptions and images of their products or services.
  • The quality of products or services must meet the standards promised in listings.

5. Customer Data Protection:

  • Vendors must protect customer data and respect privacy.
  • Unauthorized access, disclosure, or misuse of customer information is strictly prohibited.

6. Payment Processing:

  • uses secure payment processing methods.
  • Vendors must comply with our payment policies and adhere to PayPal’s multivendor payment standards.

7. Dispute Resolution:

  • Vendors are expected to respond promptly to customer inquiries and resolve disputes professionally.
  • provides a dispute resolution mechanism for conflicts.

8. Compliance with Legal Obligations:

  • Vendors must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including tax obligations.
  • Failure to do so may result in legal consequences.

9. Escrow of Funds for Large Ticket Items:

  • For transactions involving large ticket items, where the total purchase price exceeds a specified amount (to be determined by, reserves the right to hold at least 50% of the funds received from the buyer in escrow.
  • Funds held in escrow will be released when one of the following conditions is met: a. The customer acknowledges receipt and satisfaction with the goods or services. b. Sufficient evidence is provided to verify the delivery of goods and services according to the agreed terms and conditions of the purchase.
  • also reserves the right to investigate and verify the authenticity of the vendor’s or seller’s suppliers to ensure they are what they claimed to be.
  • In case of a dispute regarding the release of escrowed funds, will mediate and make a fair determination based on the evidence provided by both parties.

10. Reporting Violations:

  • Users are encouraged to report any violations of these AUP guidelines.
  • will investigate reports and take appropriate actions.

By using, all users, including vendors and buyers, agree to abide by these AUP guidelines. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in penalties, including account suspension or termination. We are committed to working with our vendors and buyers to create a safe and ethical marketplace for all.

Please ensure that these guidelines are communicated clearly to all users on your platform, and they are enforced consistently to maintain the integrity and reputation of

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