Koe founga totongi online malu 'aupito 'oku ngaue'aki 'ehe TongaMarket.com

‘Oku ngaue’aki ‘ehe TongaMarket.com ‘ae founga totongi online ‘oku malu hono ngaahi lelei kehekehe pea malohi ange ia he ngaahi founga totongi online angamaheni. 

  1. Koe toe founga feefee eni pea anga feefee keu falala kiai? 

Oku ui ‘ae founga totongi online ko’eni koe “Enhanced 3D Secure Online Payment Gateway”  Koe founga fakamuimui taha eni ki he totongi online/he opee ‘aki hoo kaati pangikee VISA, MASTERCARD, pe koe AMERICAN EXPRESS. Pea moe ngaahi Kaati Pangikee kehekehe pee ‘oku lava ai kete fakatau online fakatatau ki he Kautaha Pangikee ‘oku ke ngaue’aki.


  1. ‘Oku free ‘ae kaati Pangikee ki he fakatau online?

‘IO ‘OKU TA’E TOTONGI, ko HO’O KOLE HO KAATI PAEPAE PEHEE KI HO’O PANGIKEE KEKE NGAUE’AKI  he TongaMarket.com. ‘Oku toki totongi pee he taimi ‘oku ke ngaue’aki aii.


  1. Ko e founga malu leva eni ‘oku ngaue’aki  ‘ae “Enhanced 3D Secure Online Payment Gateway” :

a) Koe founga totongi online ko’eni koe taimi ‘oku ke fakafonu ai ‘ae fakaikiiki ho’o kaati ki ho’o totongi ho’o fakatau online ‘ae TongaMarket.com ‘oku send atu leva ki ho’o Pangikee kenau fakapapau’i mai ko koe ia ‘a’au ae kaati ‘oku ke fai ‘ae fakatau online koénii.


b) Pea ‘e send atu leva ‘ae fika fakapulipuli ki he email mo ho’o Pangike pee ko ho’o telefoni to’oto’o fakatatau ki he ngaahi fakaiikiiki fakapulipuli koiaa ko koe pee mo ho’o Pangikee ‘oku ‘ilo kiai. ‘Oku ui koe verification code pe ko e fika fakapulipuli keke fakafonu he peesi makehe ho’o fakatau he TongaMarket.com kae lava ke fakakakato.


c) I ho’o fakafonu mai hoo fika fakapulipuli koia pea ‘e hoko atu leva hono fakapapau’i ho’o palanisi he pangikee fakatatau ki ho’o fakatau he TongaMarket.com


d) Ko’ene lava lelei/SUCCESS pee hoo totongi online ‘oku ‘otometiki pee ‘ae email atu pe text atu fakahaa atu hoo fika order ke pick ‘aki ho’o fakatau /sevesi i Tonga ni.


e) Fakatokanga’i ange kapau e ‘ikai lava/FAIL hoo fakatauu online, kataki kae vakai ki he fakaikiiki pea ke toe kamata fo’ou ho’o fakatauu he TongaMarket.com


f) Kuo mau osi tesi laka hake he tu’o 100 tupu ‘ae founga totongi online ‘ae TongaMarket.com pea moe kau ngaue ‘ae Bank of the South Pacific (BSP) mo fakapapau’i ‘ene malu ‘ae founga totongi online koeni.


Ka ‘oku kei ‘iai ha me’a oku ke fiema’u tokoni kiai pea ke fetu’utaki mai kia mautolu he icon kulokula tafa’aki to’omata’u ki laloo hoo mopaila pe komipiuta. Pe ko ho’o fetuutaki mai he peesi FETU’UTAKI MAI

How secure is your online payment with TongaMarket.com ?

TongaMarket.com  uses DOKU & BANK OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC advanced online payment gateway system that incorporates 3D security measures along with multi-factor authentication (MFA) for verifying transactions. This system combines the use of a verification code sent through email or text message with 3D secure technology to ensure a high level of security for online payments. Here’s an outline of how such a system might work:

Concept: Enhanced 3D Secure Online Payment Gateway

Key Components:

  1. 3D Secure Technology: This is a security protocol designed to be an additional layer of security for online credit and debit card transactions. It’s often referred to as “Verified by Visa,” “Mastercard SecureCode,” or “American Express SafeKey.”

  2. Verification Code via Email or Text: As part of the authentication process, a unique verification code is sent to the customer’s registered email or mobile phone.

  3. Integration with Bank’s App: In some instances, the verification might involve the bank’s app, where the user confirms the transaction.

Transaction Flow:

  1. Initiation of Payment: The customer enters their card details on the merchant’s payment page.

  2. 3D Secure Authentication: The payment gateway redirects to the 3D Secure interface, where the customer’s bank verifies the card details and assesses the risk level of the transaction.

  3. Verification Code Sent: Depending on the risk assessment and the bank’s policy, a verification code is sent to the customer’s email or mobile phone, or the customer is prompted to authenticate the transaction in their bank’s app.

  4. Customer Verification: The customer enters the received code or approves the transaction in the bank’s app. This step verifies that the actual cardholder is authorizing the transaction.

  5. Transaction Completion: Once the verification is successful, the transaction is processed. If the verification fails, the transaction is declined to prevent potential fraud.


  1. Enhanced Security: Combining 3D Secure technology with a verification code significantly reduces the risk of fraudulent transactions.

  2. User Verification: Directly involving the customer in the authentication process helps in verifying the rightful owner of the card.

  3. Compliance: Meets regulatory requirements for strong customer authentication, especially under regulations like the EU’s PSD2.

  4. Customer Trust: Increases customer confidence in the security of online transactions.


  • User Experience: Ensure that the added security steps do not overly complicate the transaction process, potentially leading to abandoned carts.

  • Accessibility: Consider the accessibility of receiving verification codes for all customers, including those with limited access to mobile devices or email.

  • Privacy and Data Security: Safeguard the customer’s personal information, including their phone numbers and email addresses.

By integrating 3D Secure technology with a multi-factor authentication system that utilizes verification codes sent to a customer’s email or phone, you can create a robust and secure online payment gateway. This approach addresses the growing concerns over online transaction security while maintaining a balance with user convenience.

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