Refund Policy for Vendor Online Shop

At, we are dedicated to providing excellent customer service and maintaining an updated inventory. However, there may be circumstances where we cannot fulfill an order due to various reasons, as outlined in our Sales Policy. In such cases, we have established the following Refund Policy:

  1. Unavailability of Ordered Items:

    • We understand that sometimes ordered items may become unavailable due to disruptions and delays in our supply chain, fluctuations in demand, or other reasons mentioned in our Sales Policy.
  2. Options for the Recipient:

    • If your ordered item is unavailable, our vendors will provide the following options to the person receiving the order:
      • Alternative Replacement: We may offer an alternative replacement item of equal or lesser value, with any remaining balance refunded or redeemable in-store.
      • Refund: You may also choose to receive a refund equivalent to the value of the sold-out item(s).
  3. Refund Challenges:

    • It’s important to note that in some cases, our vendors may not be able to provide refunds to recipients in Tonga. In such situations, recipients in Tonga will have the choice of selecting alternative product(s) or initiating a refund to the sender. We have limited control over any challenges our third-party suppliers may face in restocking items.
  4. Quality Concerns:

    • If you encounter any issues related to the quality of a product, we kindly request that you return the item(s) to the vendor, along with the copy of the order that was send via email, within the specified time frame set by the vendor for returns, exchanges, and refunds.
  5. Collection Timeframe:

    • All orders placed on TongaMarket.Com must be collected within 7 days from the date of the order. Orders collected after this period may be subject to new pricing determined by the vendor, which could result in reduced quantities or product substitutions.

We deeply regret any inconvenience that out-of-stock items may cause and want to assure you that we always strive to fulfill your orders to the best of our ability.

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