Support Policy


At, we are committed to providing a seamless shopping experience for our customers while empowering our vendors with efficient tools for handling customer inquiries and support. This policy outlines the support structure available through our platform, utilizing latest support-services development tools that are available to facilitate communication and issue resolution.

Support Ticket System

Customers can create support tickets directly from the store page without needing to search for vendor contact details. This feature allows customers to submit a ticket associated with their Order ID, enabling vendors to quickly and efficiently address the customer’s needs.

Key Features:
  • Customer Initiated Tickets: Easily create a ticket from the store page using the Order ID.
  • Vendor Dashboard: Vendors can view and reply to tickets from their dashboard, accessing crucial information such as order number, customer name, status, and issue date.
  • Admin Oversight: Marketplace owners can view, edit, and manage all customer support tickets. Admins have the ability to reply, close, or reopen tickets and can use advanced search options to filter and sort through tickets.

Additional Support Tools

  • Vendor Staff Manager: Vendors can appoint unlimited staff members to help manage their stores and handle support tickets.
  • Live Chat Integration: Real-time communication is enabled through the Live Chat module, allowing vendors and customers to interact instantly.
  • Vendor Vacation: Vendors can temporarily make their products unavailable if they are away or unable to manage their store.
  • Product Enquiry: Customers and visitors can make inquiries directly about products, enhancing transparency and trust.
  • Vendor Review: Customers are encouraged to post reviews for vendors, fostering a community of trust and feedback.
  • Store Support: A ticket-based support system is available to vendors for streamlined communication.
  • Single Product Multivendor: This feature allows vendors to sell products offered by other vendors, encouraging a collaborative marketplace environment.

Support Follow-Up

Vendors can reopen any previously closed support ticket to continue the conversation, ensuring that all customer concerns are thoroughly addressed and resolved.

Commitment to Service

At, we are dedicated to continually improving our support infrastructure and policies to better serve our customers and vendors. We welcome feedback and suggestions from our community to enhance our services.

This support policy ensures that both vendors and customers have a clear understanding of the mechanisms in place to support their interactions, contributing to a positive and productive marketplace environment.


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